Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My CD has been released into the wild

The official party was almost a month ago, January 19th. I was incredibly nervous for it. I didn't think anyone would show up, and I almost hoped nobody would show up. I guess that is because I was having a bit of a perfectionist's panic attack. I knew the CD wasn't perfect, and now everyone would know it, too. I've sung these songs a hundred times for large numbers of people, but this time it was different. The crowd could go home and listen closely to the words, and think all sorts of things about me. The songs are, after all, my life story in no uncertain terms. How would you li
ke to publish your journal to the world? I got scared, to say the least. But the party was a hit as far as I was concerned; we had about 60 people or so, and my good friend Davin's band opened up for me. I sold a good number of CD's that night, as well as quite a few before and since then. I still have some available if anyone is interested. You can purchase them for $12. Just send me an email, and I'll make the arrangements.


Kristin said...

Loralee I want one...Somehow I was on the list to get one but never got follow-up info...what a great way to spend $12~

DAViN said...

That sure was a great time! lets do it again, also we can hang out more now that you'll be married, cause as it goes, the marrieds die to the singles, but the married all hang out together after "death".... that is when they have the time of course.

Damian said...

Hey, I can't find my copy of your disc and I was trying to tell someone about your version of the "who am I to be so small" quote and I don't have it imported. Could I still buy a CD? If so, where?